17 March
Первый рабочий день
Завтра первый рабочий день на работе. И да, это будет удаленно из-за вируса. Понятия не имею, как буду работать, потому что дизайн они делают в Sketch, а у меня обычный ноутбук на Windows. Но честно говоря, я просто не уверен, что смогу поддерживать требуемый уровень интенсивности.

Для меня норм, работать в день 3-4 часа за компьютером, а тут придется себя ломать, чтобы нормой стало 7-8 часов. Как бы то ни было, я справлюсь.
15 March
awkward momemts in movies
Sometimes, I can't continue a movie several minutes, sometimes tens of minutes because of charecters there doing really awkward/stupid things.

In 4 hours I watched 40 minutes of the film. This is crazy)

Shot from the movie "The Squid and the Whale". New York's subway and what is this)). "Лох" on the train window.

12 March
New job
Yesterday I accepted a job offer. It was fast, one interview and one week later will be my first working day. And you know what, I nothing to think about it.

Only, I'm happy that I don't need to look for a job and worry about money. I can concentrate on design and other activities. Of course, I worry because I'm not sure about my skills. But it's better than sit without money in an empty flat. I'll do my best to be okay, laugh and no fill tension.
20 February

One of my favorite picture

I guess "melancholic" word describe me superb. From outside I might look weak but give me time, money and comfortable environment and I spread my wings.

Ideal condition:
Live in my own flat;
Have a girlfriend and have sex 2 times per week;
Work 4 hours per day;
Read books;
And have hobbies as gym or guitar.

It wasn't something special but in result I feel me productive, happy.
Loneliness is so pressure. I have to talk with a girl, I need it. No one in certain but in general. Some romantic relationships.